ࡱ>  RvLbjbjT~T~8R66 RZZ8l0l3-5-5-5-5-5-5-$1z4:Y-gg^Y-&0,,,3-,3-,,,PC , ,-<00l0,4 ,4,4,`,Y-Y-,l04Z i: *wm,TRNO݋,{ NHr- NoR| SR Charter 5 1.Describe the duties of watch-keeping when underway. When you are on watch-keeping, you will be responsible to the master for the proper performance of his assigned bridge watchstanding and navigational duties. When the ship is underway ,the chief officer will be on duty during 4 to 8 and 16-20; the second officer will be on duty during 0-4 and 12-16; the third officer will be on duty during 8-12 and 20-24. At each watch, the officers on watch should check the ships positions at least 4 times, change the steering gear from auto-pilot to manual-pilot 1time. They also check ships course, speed, and the weather condition, navigational equipments conditions. The officers dutys spot is at the bridge, they should keep sharp look-out at all time. They can do nothing expect look-out and take proper avoiding actions. Usually they should patrol the whole ship once a watch at night for avoid fire or other unnormal things happened. ********************************** 2. Describe the bridge shift change. Shifting change is very important for the safety of a ship. When an officer goes to the bridge for taking over for duty, he must know the present course, speed, position, and must be informed the situation of other vessels which are near. The relieving officer should go to the bridge 15 minutes advance. Firstly, he should get habit to the sighting, especially in the night. Secondly , he should ask the relieved officer something, such as ships course, speed, position. Thirdly , he should go into the chart room to check the conditions. At night he should read and sign the night order. The change of conn must be clearly stated and logged including the actual time that it took place. The relieving officer must sign the night order book to indicate understanding of the masters orders. ********************************** 3. Describe the differences between navigating in a narrow channel and in traffic separation scheme. If you are a driven power vessel and you are proceeding along the course of a narrow channel, you shall keep as near to the outer limit of the channel which lies on your starboard side as is safe and practicable. You shall avoid cross a channel and anchor in a channel. If you are a driven power vessel and you are using a traffic separation scheme, you shall proceed in the appropriate traffic lane in the general direction of traffic flow for that lane You shall avoid cross lane and anchor in lane, traffic line or separation zone. In traffic separation scheme, there are traffic line or separation zone, but in narrow channel not. ********************************** 4. Describe advantage various tools or technologies for proper lookout. Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper lookout by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions so as to make a full appraisal of the situation and of the risk of collision, The features of radar observation are as follows: (1) limitations of the radar equipment, small vessels, ice and other floating objects may not by detected by radar at an adequate range;; (2) imposed by the radar range scale in use; Weather and other sources of interference; (3) the more exact assessment of the visibility that may be possible when radar is used to determine the range of vessels or other objects in the vicinity. The advantages of visual lookout are as follows: (1) It is the based means of looking out; (2) the situation can be readily apparent, and so on. There are many tools and technologies to be used in look-out, for example, when you use a radar, you should switch the radar standby first, then you should proper adjust it ,include range, tuning, gain, contrast, anti-clutter sea, anti-clutter rain. You can detected the bearing and distance of a object with radar. *********************************** 5. Describe the preparation to be done by the responsibility of prior to arrival. The chief officer is the head of the deck department. He is assisted by a second officer, a third officer, a bosun, a carpenter, and some AB. The chief is responsible for caring cargo , for example, making stowage planning, holds preparation, loading, stowage, discharging. The second officer is responsible for watch pertaining to navigation publications and equipment. The third officer is responsible for watch duties pertaining to fire-fighting appliances and life-saving appliances and maintenance. The are all assigned to bridge to be proper performance watchstanding and navigational duties. The chief officer is responsible to the master for the operation , administration , and supervision of the deck department The chief officer, carpenter and 2-3 AB are assigned to the fore station. And the some time, the second, bosun and 2-3 AB are assigned to the aft station. They should prepare to mast fast lines. The third is at the bridge , his duty is to carry out the captains or pilots order ----------------------------------- Charter8 1. Describe fire precaution on board. The third officer is in charge of fire-fighting equipments and life-saving equipments. In order to ensure the fire-fighting equipments can be used in the time when the vessel is on fire, the third officer should check the fire equipments on board regularly. For example, to check the co2 extinguishers by weighting. The procedures of a fire drill is as follows: (1) sound fire alarm ; (2) crew connecting at the station.; (3) the chief officer numbers the crew and ask someone what is his duties on a fire-fighting; (4) to drill how to use some of the extinguisher ; (5) summary the fire dill; (6) cancel the alarm, ************************************** 2. Describe damage control on board. Vessels may be making water after collision, ground or other marines accident. The third officer should check damaged control equipments regularly. He should check water-proof blanket, blocking mats, blocking planks, blocking cases, blocking screws and other damage control. After a vessel is damaged and is making water, the conditions of damaged and the position of damaged must be investigated immediately. Then estimating the threaten which is caused by the damaged. According to the fact , taking proper activities to control flooding and pump out flooding-water. The distinct kinds of control making water should be taken to relate different damaged position, e.g. below water line and above water line. ************************************** 3. Describe the measures taken on board if aground. When a ship is being aground , it may be to list, or trim. According to the different situations, you can decide where is being aground. If your vessel is aground, I advice you to take actions as follows: (1) de-ballast or jettison cargo, it can make your vessel re-float by reducing its displacement; (2) require tugs assistance, tugs can pull or push your vessel from the shallow to deep water; (3) waiting the tide, the depth of water will raise when the tide is rising, so your vessel may re-float. (4) shifting cargoes or liquid, adjusting vessels list, trim, to make the vessels grounded part clear of the bottom, and then you will be re-float. When you pay to re-float your vessel, you should take some special attention, the first thing is to decide where is ground and the situation. The second is to decide that the vessel is making water or not. *************************************** 4. Describe the measures taken on board if on fire. Switch on fire alarm immediately while finding fire. The fire alarm is belling for one minute, and one long blast is indicating fore; two long blasts is indicating aft; three long blasts is indicating middle, or bridge; four long blasts is indicating the engine room. After the fire has been extinguished, crew should check the fire area every 10 minutes for avoiding the fire re-ignition , sent men for keeping and report. After making sure the fire is not re-ignition, the crew can cancel the fire alarm, and the chief officer should enter the event into the log-book. You should foam extinguisher to fighting an oil-fire, dry power extinguishers to fighting an electric fire. The carbon dioxide extinguisher will be caused the least damaged in fire-fighting. --------------------------------------- ,{1zS 1. Please say something about your hometown. My hometown is in JIANGSU(_lς), the south of CHANGJIANG_l river of China. The population in my hometown is about 500,000. There are many rivers in my hometown. The environment of my hometown is very beautiful .The people of my hometown are kind-hearted. E.g. sometimes they will invite a new friend to their home to have dinner with their families. There many specialties in my hometown,for example,the silk from Suzhou,Biluochun Tea,and so on. ************************************ 2. Please say something about yourself. My name is & , I am & years old. I come from FJ(y^) province of China. Now I am a senior student in Xiamen Jimei University. My hobbies are playing cards and listening music. Because I am a student ,so my main task is study. In my spare , I play cards and listen music, sometimes I play football or basketball. ************************************ 3. Please say something about your family. My father is a worker my mother is a teacher and I am a student. My father likes to play cards and my mother likes to listen music. Both of my parents are kindly. ************************************ 4. Your favorite port you have called at. My favorite port I have called at is Shanghai. Shanghai port is the largest port in our country and Shanghai is a beautiful city. The NangJing road is widely, there are many shops. If you call the port, I think, you will go to Out Shore NwmYn . At the Out Shore, you can look the WangPU river and visit WangPu park. ************************************ 5. Please say something about your responsibilities on board. I am the third officer working in the deck department. As we know, the third officer is responsible to the master for the proper performance of his assigned bridge watch-standing and navigational duties. On board, my first daily work is watch-keeping from 8 to 12 and from 20 to 24. my second daily work is in charge of the maintance of the fire-fighting equipment and life-saving equipment. The third , I am also responsible for fire and boat drills, I have to design a muster list and make crew to know the best escape route clearly. ----------------------------------- Charter 3 1. Describe the responsibilities as a watch officer while the ship is at anchor? As an officer on watch at anchor, he should check the anchor position regularly; he should keep proper look-out too. In case , if the watch officer finds the ship is dragging anckor, he must drop another anchor or slack away chains and notify the captain as soon as possible. When the ship is at anchor, the officer on watch should keep sharp look out at all time. ************************************* 2. Describe the proper way of using VHF When you operate VHF, you should comply with the radio regulations. If you want to speak, you should push the button, and if you want to listen, you should release the button. The general rules of using VHF are as follows: (1) calling on channel 16 for the purpose other than distress urgency and very brief safety communication; (2) communication not related to safety and navigation on port operation channels and non-essential transmissions will never been permitted to broadcasted on channel 16; (3) the important messages should be repeated; (4) the first 3 should be listening every half an hour. ************************************* 3. Describe the procedures before arrival at a port. At the bridge, the OOW should turn on the radar and notify the captain. The quartermaster should change the auto pilot to manual pilot under the officers command. To communicate with the port by VHF and report the ships ETA, if needs , require a pilot. The engine room should stand by the main engine under the bridge order, check the bridge telegraph and rudder indicator with the bridge. The deck hands should prepare pilot ladder, open the hatch covers, standby anchor and fore and aft. ------------------------------------- Charter 4 1. Describe the procedures of carrying dangerous cargo on board. What name, IMO-Class ,package of the dangerous cargoes are. These also should be noticed to stevedores. The chief officer should make a stowage plan according to the IMDG. Before loading or discharging dangerous cargoes, the officers should tell stevedores how to stow or leave the cargoes, where they are stowed and how to segregation them. Hoisted letter B flag and approved by the harbor master. Near the spot ,notice NO SMOKING. When a vessel carrying dangerous cargoes, the carrier should take care of the dangerous cargoes. To control the temperature and ventilation during the voyage. ************************************** 2. Describe the precaution before entering an enclosed space. The potential dangers in an enclosed space are lack of oxide and having dangerous gas. The person who enters an enclosed space may loss his life or cause poison or other dangers. When you want to enter an enclosed space, the first you should ventilate the space, the second you should notice chief officer or others, the third you should test the mount of the oxide and dangerous gas in the enclosed space. If any doubt, you should put on self-breath appliances. The important precautions are ventilation, another crew standby. ************************************** 3. Describe the procedures of cargo stowage. What name, IMO-Class ,package of the dangerous cargoes are. These also should be noticed to stevedores. The chief officer also ask how many tons of dangerous cargoes will be carried. Before loading or discharging dangerous cargoes, the officers should tell stevedores how to stow or leave the cargoes, where they are stowed and how to segregation them. Hoisted letter B flag and approved by the harbor master. Near the spot ,notice NO SMOKING. The carrier should take care of the dangerous cargoes. To control the temperature and ventilate during the voyage. When a vessel carrying dangerous cargoes, The chief officer should make a stowage plan according to the IMDG. If any modification of stowage plan, this must be noticed to the chief officer and be approved by the chief officer. ************************************** 4. Describe the actions to be taken in case of an oil spill on board. The initial response in case of an oil spill is sent oil spilling signal , notice the termination not to pump oil. According to the SOREP, the first step is stop pump oil, then close the valves and all deck drainages. The third is to handle the spilling oil with absorbent materials or other means. To stop pump oil is an important matter. To close the valves and all deck drainages are must be done. ************************************** 5. Describe how to ensure a proper stowage for general cargo. The term stowage factor means the cargos volume been divided by its weight. It is very important. From it, we can calculate how many cargoes can be carried. For example, if one ships capacity is 12000 cubic meters and a kind of cargos stowage factor is 1.5 cubic meters per ton, we calculate that ship can carry the cargo 8000 tons in weight. Of course, the ships net dead weight is equal or bigger 8000 tons. When we use cargos stowage factor to calculate s ships capacity, we must consider the broken space and ships net dead weight. We also should consider that how many holds the ship has and the kinds of cargo. As us usually, we arrange these cargo, which has small stowage factor, in low hold, and those cargo, which has big stowage factor, in the tween-deck. -------------------------------------- Charter 6 3. Describes the procedures of carrying out an overhaul ('YO major repair ) for navigational aids. Some of equipment may be seriously damaged during operation and which will effect a ship s safety. In order to keep the ship in seaworthiness, it is necessity to carry out overhaul for navigational aids. The contents of the overhaul is include: (1) to check the hull throughout; (2) to repair some of damaged equipments or renewed. (3) hull cleaning, especially the parts below the water line; (4) de-rusting, or changing metal plates. The cost of overhaul is very expensive. The chief officer should make the repair list carefully. If one program can be repaired by himself , do not put in into overhaul repair plan. After overhaul repair, the chief officer should check them. ----------------------------------- Charter 7 1.Describe the procedures in handling fire on board. Switch on fire alarm immediately while finding fire. The fire alarm is belling for one minute, and one long blast is indicating fore; two long blasts is indicating aft; three long blasts is indicating middle, or bridge; four long blasts is indicating the engine room. After the fire has been extinguished, crew should check the fire area every 10 minutes for avoiding the fire re-ignition , sent men for keeping and report. After making sure the fire is not re-ignition, the crew can cancel the fire alarm, and the chief officer should enter the event into the log-book. Because I am a chief officer, according to the muster list, I am in command of the fire party at spot during fire-fighting. ****************************** 2.Describe the emergency procedures in handling ship-borne oil pollution. When ship- borne oil pollution occurs, switch on alarm immediately. The alarm is belling three short blasts and one long blast for one minute. All crewmembers should be standby for meeting emergency. The first is to closed the valve , to detect the reason of oil pollution; formulate a emergency plan. At the same time, report this event to near country, and require shore side assistance, if it is necessary. The second is to control the oil pollution scope and to use absorbent materials. The oil the clearance team start oil clearance under the command of the second officer. The third officer is in charge of recycling spilling oil. After these work have been finished , the master will cancel the alarm and enter the event into the log-book. Because I am the chief officer, according to the muster list, I am on the spot to command during fire-fighting. ----------------------------- Charter9 1. Describe the procedures of search and rescue operations. The distress alerts can be transmitted by VHF, DSC, 2182, RADIO,GMDSS equipments, EPIRB, NBDP, and so on. Distress alerting is the rapid and successful reporting of a distress incident to a unit which can provide assistance. This world be another ship in the vicinity or a rescue c0-ordination centre(RCC). When an alert is received by an RCC, normally via a coast station, the RCC will relay the alert to SAR units and to ships in the vicinity of the distress incident. A distress alert should indicate the identification and position of the distress and, where practicable, its nature and other information which could be used for rescue operation. To implement a SAR mission, the ways have :Single turn, double turn , Williamson turn, Scharnow turn, the patterns of search have :expanding square search, sector search, parallel search, ship/aircraft coordinated search.. *********************************** 2. Describe the responses when a person falls overboard. When a person falls overboard, the officer on watch should sound alarm signals of man overboard. He also reports it to captain at once. If it possible, he should drop a lifebuoy to the overboard man, turn on the search light to the man. At the same time, the officer on watch should stop the engine, and operate a hard rudder to the side which man overboard. During the ship turning, the officer on watch and the watch man should keep sharp lookout to search the overboard man. They should report the conditions to captain in time. In emergency of man overboard operation, the officer on watch should avoid the man is injured by the propeller. So he should stop the engine at once. In any case, if it is possible, the watch men should keep the overboard in sight. *********************************** 3. Describe briefly the GMDSS. The GMDSS means Global Maritime Distress and Safety System. The basic concept of the system is that search and rescue authorities ashore, as well as shipping in the immediate vicinity of the ship in distress, will be rapidly alerted to a distress incident so they can assist in a coordinated search and rescue operation with the minimum delay. The GMDSS is composed by satellites, shore-station, ship-station. Usually the shore-station is the RCC. The equipments of the GMDSS is includes as follows: VHF, DSC, 2182, EPIRB, NBDP and so on. The main functions of GMDSS are as follows:(1) alerting; (2)coordinating communications;(3) on- scene communications;(4) dissemination of maritime safety information; (5) general communications. *********************************** 4. Describe briefly the DSC distress alert. The term of DSC means digital selective calling. It can to see or to activate a distress call. When you use DSC to sent a distress alert, you are advised to select group calling. The format of a distress alert as follows : MAYDYA, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, This is M.V. ABCD, I am on fire. My position is at & & I need fire fighting assistance , over. When using DSC, you should select type of call, notice the priority and proper to use it. ----------------------------------- Charter10 1. sand a Mayday message according to the information. Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. This is M.V. Blue Whale, Blue Whale, Blue Whale. Mayday, this is M.V. Blue Whale. My call-sign is Whiskey, X-ray, Charlie, Papa. Position: latiatude47 degrees 04 minutes north, longitude 50 degrees 08 minutes west. I am on fire in engine room after explosion. I require immediate fire fighting assistance, over. ********************************** 2. Sand a Mayday message according to the given information. Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. This is M.V. South Pacific, South Pacific, South Pacific. Mayday, this is M.V. South Pacific. My call-sign is November, Oscar, Papa, Echo.. Position: latiatude22 degrees 04 minutes north, longitude 127 degrees 08 minutes east. I am Grounded on the bow. I require immediate tug assistance, over. ********************************** 3. Sand a PAN-PAN message according to the given information. PAN-PAN, PAN-PAN, PAN-PAN. This is M.V. White Snow , White Snow , White Snow ,. PAN-PAN, this is M.V. White Snow. My call-sign is Alfa, Lima, Mike, India.. Position: latiatude22 degrees 04 minutes north, longitude 127 degrees 08 minutes east. I am Breakdown of main engine. I require immediate tug assistance, over. ********************************** 4. Sand a PAN-PAN message according to the given information. PAN-PAN, PAN-PAN, PAN-PAN. This is M.V. Blue Sea, Blue Sea, Blue Sea,. PAN-PAN, this is M.V. Blue Sea. My call-sign is Bravo, Echo, Romeo, November. Position: latiatude22 degrees 04 minutes north, longitude 127 degrees 08 minutes east. I am Breakdown of steering gears. I require immediate tug assistance, over. ********************************** 5. Give instructions on how to embark and behave in lifeboats or life-rafts. When hearing the signal of abandoning vessel, all crew and passengers should be on the embarkation deck in 2 minutes. As a chief officer, he should number and check his members. If no double, they can enter a lifeboat. While entering a lifeboat, everybody should be carefully. The first 2 men should be lift life ropes, close ships bottom block, let go gripes. Then others can lower the lifeboat to embarkation deck, and enter the lifeboat. After entering a lifeboat, lower the lifeboat to the water , release the bow-sing tackles, and sail away form the vessel as soon as possible. ---------------------------------- Charter11 1. Please describe the outline of Port State control. The typical procedures of PSC inspections are embarkation, checking, taking measurement to correct deficiencies, and/or banning of a ship. During inspecting, if the PSCO find deficiencies, he must record the deficiencies. If the deficiencies is general ones, he would ask the crew to take some correction measurements. If the deficiencies is threaten the ships safety, he would take detaining actions to the vessel until they are eliminated. While a ship is being inspections of PSC, the first thing is to keep clean and tidy. It can give a good surface impression to the PSCO. The second is to prepare carefully. ******************************** 2. Please describe the preparatory work or the daily maintenance work to be done by you before a PSC inspection. I am a chief officer, my daily work is to lead deck hands to maintain deck equipments besides keeping on watch. Every day, from Monday to Friday, I sent deck maintenance tasks to the Bosun in the morning. Every month, I make a repair list and sent to the captain. Every voyage, I make a repair report to the company. Before PSC inspection, I should sent deck hands to wash deck from stern to stern, oil all moving gears and check them. Of course, I should prepare some papers. I have many experiences to face PSC. As my words, to keeping clean and tidy is very important, because it can give a good surface impression to the PSCO. ********************************* 5. Describe ISM inspection based on the PSC inspection regime. The typical procedures of ISM inspection based on the PSC inspections are embarkation, checking, taking measurement to correct deficiencies, and/or banning of a ship. The particular items to be checked in ISM inspection based on the PSC inspection are checking the valid of the certificate, the PSCO would check ships DOC, SMC, SMM, SMC, and inquire crew if they familiar their duties. While a ship is being inspections of PSC, the first thing is to keep clean and tidy. It can give a good surface impression to the PSCO. The second is to prepare carefully and keep all certificates in valid.. ---------------------------------- Charter12 1. Please describe the main responsibilities of a ship security officer onboard? The responsibilities of a ship security officer onboard while staying in the port are to detect security threats and take preventive measures against security incidents affecting ships or port facilities used in international trade. The responsibilities while handling security emergencies at sea are to ensure the early and efficient collection and exchange of security related information, and to provide a methodology for security assessments so as to have in place plans and procedures to react to changing security levels. The responsibilities while conducting a security drill are to ensure confidence that adequate and proportionate marine security measures. ************************* 2. Please describe something about Automatic Identification System. The basic concept of AIS is Automatic Identification System. With AIS, we can easily know ships positions and situations, include in TCPA and DCPA. AIS can be connected with VTS. It can receive and transmit all movable targets information, include in ships name, speed, course, position and situation. AIS can help to enhance the marine human life security navigate the security and the efficiency as well as the protection marine environment. AIS can receive and transmit messages between ship to ship stations, ship to shore stations. ************************** 3. Please describe Ship Security Alert System (SSAS 96O[bf|~) onboard. All cargo ships shall be provided with a ship security alert system on or after 1 July 2004. The ship security alert system activation points shall be designed so as to prevent the inadvertent initiation of the ship security alert. The AIS can initiate and transmit a ship-to-shore security alert to a competent authority, so as to identity the ship, its location. The AIS can indicate the security of the ship is under threat or it has been compromised. AIS can be capable of being activated from the navigation bridge and in at least one other location. AIS can conform to performance standards not inferior to those adopted by the organization. ************************** 4. Please describe something about ship security training and drills. Each 18 months, the ship security training and drills should be exercised. On 08th , august ,2007, we were coming drill of encountering pirates and armed attacks. At that time, we were proceeding to one of India ports. We were divided into two groups, one was lead by the master, and the other was lead by our SSO(ship security officer)the chief officer. The simulated drill was organized in turn and more than half of our crew took part into this exercise. The main procedures and requirements of the security training and drill are as follows: (1) organizers introduce to the crew members drilled the general requirements for emergency counter-measures to be taken when encountering pirate and armed attacks. (2) simulate the drill as the master is assumed to be kidnapped by pirates and / or armed personnel; (3) emergency response when retreating the crew member; (4) Group discussion. T{R ,{ Nz 1. Can you list at least three mooring lines? NO, I can t. / head line, spring line, aft line, breast line. 2. What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board? A pilot ladder, a hand rope and a lifebuoy should be prepared before the pilot comes on board. 3. What is the maximum speed through the water that your ship can anchor without risking breaking the cable? 3 knots. 4. What flag should be hoist when a vessel requires a pilot? The H letter flag should be hoist when a vessel requires a pilot. 5. How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival? By VHF on channel 16 or .working channel 6. What ships particulars will pilot station usually ask for? The ships length, draft, tonnages and so on. 7. What should be reported to the pilot station? The ships position, ETA, length, draft. 8. What should be confirmed from the pilot station? When the pilot will come on board, which side the pilot ladder should be prepared. 9. When the vessel enters the VTS area, what is requested to report? The ships name, call sign, the purpose. 10. What does foul anchor mean? The two anchor chains are crossing or one anchors chains is crossing by other things. 11. If you are ordered Stand by both engines! how should you reply and report? I will reply :Stand by both engines! And report: Both engines are stand by! 12. Can you list three famous canals in the world? Yes, there are Panama-canal, suze- canal and geal- canal. 13. When you request the receiver to remain on channel 16 in VHF communication, what do you say? Stand by on channel 16. 14. How do you rectify the mistake in marine VHF communication? First speak: mistake, then speak the right messages. 15. How do you emphasize the important part of a message in maritime VHF communication? First speak: repeat, then speak the message again. 16. what does abandon vessel mean? It means that the ship is in very dangerous condition and the crew and passengers must be leave the ship at once. 17. what does the abbreviation ETD stand for? It is stand for Expected time of departure. 18. what does dredging of an anchor mean? It is one of using manoeuvre anchoring, usually drop an anchor about 2-3shackles in water, then the ship will proceeding slow with the anchor. 19. what does underway mean? It means that a vessel is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore, or aground. 20. what does dragging of an anchor mean? After anchoring, but the anchor is not bring up and the ship moving. 21. What is the difference between a  radar beacon and a  radar reflector ? I think the former emissions can cause unwanted interference with the normal radar display the latter is likely to considerably increase the ship's probability of being detected0 22How many objects do you need to get a position using  horizontal sextant angles ? there are 3 objects. 23Why is a magnetic compass kept on board when a gyro compass is more accurate? Because the magnetic compass can be used for emergency and adjustments. 24 What do you report when the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and is clear of it' you shoule report Anchor aweigh 25 When preparing for anchoring what must you do before releasing the bow stoppers? Supply the power, Standby the anchor ball or light, Test the windlass, Put into the gear, Release the brake 26 Would you let go an anchor from the hawse pipe if the depth was 75 meters? No, we should not let go anchor from hawse pipe directly, but the anchor can be released with windlass slowly. 27 Why must you consider ships speed and sea depth when you release the bow stoppers? Because when the depth is different, we should take different measures for anchoring. And for ships safety, during the different phase, the speed should be different, too. 28 What must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well before the pilots embarkation? The lifebuoy with the lifeline, and at night, there should be a light. 29 Why is it dangerous to anchor in ice? The ice can change the angle of the anchor, affect the holding power, and freeze the ship. 30 What flag is hoisted when the pilot has arrived on board Flag H should be hoisted when the pilot has arrivedon board. ********************************************** ,{Vz 1. How many classes of dangerous goods are there according to the IMDG Code? Can you list some? There are 9 classes of dangerous goods according to the IMDG Code. They are Explosives, Gases, Inflammable liquids, Inflammable solids, Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides, Poisonous and infectious substances, Radioactive substances, Corrosive substances and Miscellaneous dangerous substances. 2. What kind of cargo is classified as flammable cargo? If the cargo is easy to flame, for example, if one liquids closed cup flash is less 61 centigrade, we will class it as flammable cargoinflammable liquids. 3. Please describe the general nature of general cargo. The general cargo is usually packed and in different kinds. Each is small. 4. Please describe the general nature of bulk cargo? The bulk cargo is usually unpacked and the ship carries one of bulk cargo in a voyage. 5. What kind of cargo is canvas ( T'^^)sling suitable for lifting? General cargo, e.g. bags of grain, rice, coffee 6. What kind of cargo is chain sling ( T')suitable for lifting? Heavy slender articles e.g. iron rails, logs. 7. What kind of cargo is net sling  T'Q suitable for lifting? Small packages , mail 8. What does the abbreviation COW stand for? COW stands for crude oil washing. 9. What does  jettison of cargo mean? Drop cargo out of ship s side from the deck. 10. What does  compatibility of goodsv['`'ir  mean? If different kinds can be stow together and no damage, we will say they are compatibility. 11. What does the abbreviation SWL stand for? SWL stand for safe working load. 12. What does shifting cargomean? Remove cargo from one place to another on a vessel. 13. What does Union purchasemean? Using two derricks together to load or discharge cargoes. 14. What preparations shall be done before loading cargo? Open hatch covers. In night prepare hatch lights. 15. What is the loading capacity of your vessel? It express how many cargo can be carried in our vessel 16. What cargo handling gear and equipment does your vessel have? Our vessel has three cranes and two union purchase. 17. What can be used to remove spillage0W' nQϑ ? Empty bags or hold to remove spillage. 18. What shall be ensured before entering the enclosed space? Whether the enclosed space has enough oxide and no dangerous gas. 19. Please list some cargo papers? Bill of lading, manifest, stowage plan, loading list, and so on. 20. What must you wear when you enter an enclosed space? Self-breath appliance. *********************************************** ,{Nz 1. Why is it important to sound fog signals? In fog, the visibility is poor, by sounding fog signals, you will hear other vessels or be hear by other vessels vicinity. 2. When would you sound the general alarm? When our ship is on fire, or spilling oil, or being drilling. 3. When should an OOW notify the master immediately for emergency ship-handling or complicated navigation? Please list some. Poor Visibility , failure to make a landfall or navigational sighting at the expected time, anytime the watch officer is in doubt of the vessels position, and so on. 4. How does the OOW assess risk of collision generally? If the objects compass of an approaching vessel does not appreciably change, it will be deemed to exist such risk. 5. How should the relieving officer behave in case a bridge manoeuvre already took place but has not been over? To report it to the captain immediately and logged. 6. List the main items to be updated on the pilot card(*De)? Chart, pilot book, list of lights, tide table, mariners handbook. 7. Besides the collision risks, what else should you monitor on watch in reduced visibility? the compasses and bridge equipment generally, the briefing of the look out and the ships routine. 8. How do you know the VHF channels to be monitored when leaving port? From the Guide to Port Entry. 9. What should the master expect from the OOW on arriving at the bridge? The ships situation, speed, course and other safety conditions. 10. Who should be in attendance when a pilot is on the ladder? The third officer and a sailor. 11. When would you instruct a lookout to assist you on the bridge? When I am the first time as a officer on the bridge. 12. What effect will the general alarm have on all crew? Bell alarm//on hearing the general alarm all crew members should proceed immediately to their emergency stations. 13. Why is record keeping a necessary part of watchkeeping? Because watchkeeping is very important. 14. Apart from those navigation safety, what else should you do on an anchor watch? Check the anchor position./I would monitor communications, comply with the COLREGS for a vessel at anchor, and maintain a security watch. 15. How would you conveniently(eO0W), check the compass error in pilotage waters? By compass flare, or communicate with the pilot station. 16. If a sailing ship is overtaking a power-driven vessel, who has the fight of way? The power-driven vessel. 17. A power-driven vessel is on a collision course with a fishing trawler. Who has the right of way? The fishing trawler has the right of way. 18. How many meters there in a nautical mile? About 1850meters. 19. If you travel from Panama to New York, will your latitude increase or decrease? My latitude will be increase when we travel from Panama to New York. 20. How many position lines are needed to make a position? At least, two position lines are needed to make a position 21. Can you define the very important term underway? The term underway means that a vessel is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore, or aground. 22. You observe a ship, during daytime, exhibiting three balls on the same halyard. What has happened? A vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre, except a vessel engaged in mine clearance operations. 23. What does the abbreviation IALA stand for? It stand for International Association of Lighthouse Authorities 24. Is it safe to pass north of a North Mark? yes,it is. 25. Is it safe to pass north of a South Mark? Yes, it is safe to pass north of a South Mark. 26. Does variation change due to ships position? Yes, the variation change due to ships position. 27. Does deviation change due to ships position? No, the deviation does not change due to ships position 28. When correcting charts why must you use symbols and abbreviations from chart 5011? Because the chart 5011 covers a large area, if we dont use symbols and abbreviations to correct it, it will become unreadable. 29. You have purchased a new chart. Is it right ready for use? No, you should correct it up to date. 30. What publication do you need to correct charts properly? Notices to Marines. 31. What course in degrees corresponds to south-east? 135 degrees. 32. What is the angle between magnetic and true meridian called? It is called magnetic veariation. 33. Where can you always find information about the magnetic veariation? On chart. 34. When a ship picks up speed, will draught increase or decrease? It will decrease when a ship picks up her speed. 35. A ship ahead of you has hoisted the signal flag O, what has happened? It means "Man overboard."With a sinister hoist, the semaphore flag. *************************************** ,{Nz 12. What is your first response when you detect a fire? Call another crew on the spot and put on self-apparatus. 16. What will you first do if you find some oil near your vessel while bunkering? To notify the terminal and closed the valves. 17. What will you do first if a crewmember was seriously injured? To take first aids. 18. What will you do first if your vessel is under attack by pirates? Sound alarm and sent MAYDAY messengers 19. If someone returns to the ship very drunk, should he be left alone to sleep it off? No, he must not. We must take care of him so that he can obtain immediate medical care if necessary. 20. If you see a person collapsed who is in contact with electricity what is the first thing you must do before attempting to switch off the supply? I must warn other persons by shouting out Danger, electric shock. 21.If you suspect someone has inhaled a dangerous substance what can you do to help even if you are not trained? I shall report the accident. / I shall take him to a safe place. 22.In what circumstances do you give artificial respiration and mouth to mouth ventilation? These must be done in open spaces. 23. How should you try to stop bleeding at first? By using artery-finger-pushing method. 24.If you suspect someone has been poisoned what is the first thing you should try to do? Take measure to make him vomit. 25. What is the most important thing to consider when treating a wound? When treating a wound the most important thing is to stop bleeding. ********************************************* ,{kQz 1.What kind of the fire extinguishers can you use for an electric fire? The dry power extinguishers. 2. What cannot be used for an electric fire? The foam extinguishers. 3. What are the three components of fire? Flammable materials, oxide and energy. 4. How often is a fire drill required to be carried out on cargo ships? Once in one month 5. What must you do first if you find a fire on board Sound the fire alarm. 6. What does the muster list show? At each every of accommodations. 7. What will you first do if you see a person fall overboard? Drop out a lifebuoy, sound man overboard alarm, stop engine, keep sight to the man. 8. How often is a boat drill required to be carried out on board a cargo ship? Once in three months. 9. Can you list at least three different kinds of fire extinguishers? Yes, dry power extinguish, carbon dioxide, foam extinguisher. 10. In general, what parties are involved in a fire drill? The fire team, the first aids team , rescue team. . 11. Where should fire control plan be located? At the Corridor, or passageway. 12. How often will the lifeboat be launched into water? In three months. 13. What does retreat signalmean? Cancel the alarm. 14. What is general alarm signal ?(N,vbfOS) The fire alarm. 15. What does  fire patrol  mean? Checking the whole vessel to avoid fire on board. 16. What is  damage control team ? To control flooding and re-floating the vessel. 17. How do you check fixed installation? I check the fixed installation according to the standard procedures. 18. Can you lost two main reasons for electrical fire? Yes, I can. Short circuit and electrical sparking usually cause an electrical fire. 19. What is the minimum number of motor lifeboats fitted on board? Every cargo ship At least carry aboard one motor lifeboat. 20. Could you list some apparatus in an open lifeboat? Yes, I can. For example, handheld red flames, red rockets with parachute, whistles and orange smoke signals. 21. Would a cargo with a high flash point be of more concern to you than one with a low flash point? No, it wont. 22. What is meant by starving a fire? It means to put up a fire by cutting off its oxygen supply. 23. Before you enter into an, what safety precautions should you take? Such safety precautions are 1st to ventilate the enclosed space and 2nd to put on a self-breathing apparatus before enter the enclosed space. 24. What is supposed to be transferred over the International Shore Connection? Water. 25. If a person who has on authority to be on board attempts to enter the ship, where should he be stopped? He must be stopped at the gangway. 26.How often should an emergency fire pump be tested? An emergency fire pump must be tested every 3 months. 27.What is the most effective fire extinguisher for the galley on board ship? Dry chemical extinguisher. 28.for ship at sea what is general procedure to follow for fire in cargo holds? firstly,we should close the ventilation system, and then proceed fire fighting. 29 what is the absolute minimum number of lifejacketa required on board ship? it should be at least equal to crew member on board. 30you are a survivor at sea when an SAR aircraft drops a red container,what is in it? a red container contains some useful facilities , such as first aids/food/fresh water and so on. ************************************** ,{]Nz 1. What does  initial course mean in search and rescue operation? The first course. 2. What does  jettison of cargo mean? To drop cargo overboard. 3. What is the difference between  heel  and  list ? The hell is cause by inherent force , and the list is caused by out force. 4. What does EPIRB stand for ? It is stand for emergency position indicating radio beacons 5. What does SAR stand for? It is stand for search and rescue. 6. What is INMARSAT short for ? It is short for international maritime satellite organization. 7. What does UTC stand for? Coordinated universal time. 8. What does RCC stand for? It is stand for rescue coordination center. 9. What is SART? It is stand for search and rescue transponder. 10. Can you list three or more search patterns? Yes, there are expanding square search, sector search, parallel search, ship/aircraft coordinated search.. 11. What does a hampered vessel mean ? It is mean vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre. 12. What does MMSI stand for? It is stand for maritime mobile service identities. 13. What is muster list? It is a plan for emergency conditions. 14. What does OSC stand for? Offences of ship-crew9XT NlL:N 0On scene commanders:Wc%cNXT 15. What does VHF stand for? Very high frequency. 16. What is the sound alarm for abandoning vessel? Six short blast and one long blast 17. When will a parallel sweep search usually be used? There are at least two vessels which participate in the search 18. When will asector search pattern usually be used? There is only one vessel or aircarft which participate in the search. 19. When will the expanding square search usually be used? There is only one vessel which participate in the search. 20. List some visual and audible distress singals for attracting attention when in distress? Rochet parachute flares,survival craft distress signal and a hand flare. 21. Would you please pronounce the correct international code words for A, B ,C and D? ALFA BRAVO CHARLIE DELTA 22.By regulation,what is the minimum amount of water required per person in the lifeboat? 3 Liters water 23. Somthering is a way of dealing with fire.How does it work? It segregate the Oxygen from the burning things. 24.What reason would you think is justified for postponing the fire drill to a more suitable time? When the weather condition is very bad. 25.A ship anchored close to your ship hoists the flag I what action should you take ? I means I am altering my course to portside,so I shoud altering my course to portside too. 26.What altitude must a rocket parachute flarereach to comply with regulation? 300 meters 27.What action would you take if you were on duty on deck and you observe oil leaking from the ships side? Sound the alarm and inform the captain 28.When would you need a resuscitator? When I enter the area where lack of Oxygen or the smoke is toxic. 29.A ship ahead hoists the flag D and give one long blast followed by two short blasts.What is the message? D:Keep clear of me; I am maneuvering with difficulty. 30.What does 2182kHz mean to you? Its the frequency for disstress alert. ******************************************* ,{ASz 1. What does MAYDAY calling mean in marine communications? It means that the vessel is in distress and requires assistance immediately. 2. What should be included in MAYDAY messages? It should be included: Ship s name ; Call-sign; distress position; Nature of distress suffered; and assistance required. 3. What does PAN-PAN calling mean in marine communications? It means that the calling station will send an urgent message to transit concern with the safety to others. 4. What does SECURITE calling mean in marine communications? It means that the calling station will send an safety message to transit containing an important navigational or meteorological warning. 5. What are passengers advised to put on while abandoning the vessel? ,.**h*+.`/1124NNdf"~2χNfƤB$&T"vRS0""& &,, -b-07:7;H"L#L$L&L'L)L*L,L-L/LhQjhQUUhs, hw@o( hs,o(T$.B  l8[Ad[-Qgds,$a$gds,$T{ !o"""V#]%-&U&&'())*h*+,,-@-`//gds,/p0011^222t556U6678[8e88.99*:P:x:*;<<2=4>>%?K?gds,K?U??B@IAABOBC#DfDDDtEFGG@HHrIIJ?JKJMqM{MN1PQgds,QR4R>RsRST0UOUU*VXXYY"Y^YY[\\,]^E_/`S`r`abYcgds,Yc}ccdffg"ggdhi@i}i$jjj"kkelll`mn(nunRo3ppppgds,p&qqrss&tfuvvvwwx\yyyyz{{|||q}"~2K*gds,*N,Їч nhʊMxCw̌<^gds,>oɐX'U@_ݓHN(ȗ1 gds, ЙI\ʛ?(WȞ̠kJfƤBr̥gds,`$ާ@d4hө*Nʫ)LȬb\gds,?w&sڴ!Cϵ0sZ*T6gds, 7eyͻQż('j־;r߿6"_ugds,ht6|x;Q_qgds,Mp.0dMa17x=ugds,u"F8?vO_q}gds,e'ug8 A!=[wgds,=XvD?u4;X9gds,MvR~z;w"Au7gds, To put on lifejackets. 6. What is the general emergency alarm? Sounding the bell for 1 minute for fire-fighting. 7. Can you give a briefing on how to put on lifejackets? Yes, first you put lifejacket like jacket, and then security it. 8. What can be used to attract attention after abandoning the vessel? The different kinds of life-signals. 9. How many portable radios must be fitted on as survival craft? Three. 10. What is the minimum requirement for a line-throwing appliance? Tow. 11. If you should fall overboard, what would you do? Shout for help. 12. Can you list some risks to crew while abandoning vessels? Yes, some risk such as falling injure, frozen injure and so on. 13. where are explosions most commonly encountered on board ship? In the engine room. 14. How is it possible to find safety equipment in a room full of smoke? Cover your nose with a wet towel, and try to find the light-reflecting safety equipment poster. 15. What type of oil is used in certain rescue operations to prevent the seas breaking? Sea calming oil. 16. Coastal radio stations keep a constant watch on distress frequencies. What frequencies are they? 2182Hz and 156.8MHz 17. A ship is signaling you with his Aldis lamp (Morse lamp) the letter U. What is the message for you? You are running into danger. 18. When launching an inflatable life raft into the sea, what is it most important to secure? The line to inflate the life raft automatically once tightened. 19. What type of engine must a lifeboat have? Diesel engine. 20. Why should you not take high protein ['pr?uti:n] ˆ}v food with you in a lifeboat? Because high protein food is hard to digest. 21. If you are in a lifeboat without an imminent prospect of being rescued, how soon should you issue food and water? 24 hours. 22. When there is a muster for an emergency there are several things that must be closed. Give three examples. Watertight door, fire door, air line. 23. In tidal waters what would be the best time to beach the ship in an emergency? High water. 24. If you see a small, controlled fire on board another ship while at sea, what is the signal from the ship? ,g+TINGPY`O w0RNX\v09 Nkp`]~_0Rc6RvSN(W*96 TN9^SQNHNOS The letter J. W[kJ h:y܏yb b91Ykp0 f1uNkp`]~_0Rc6R V NcR FOkp`O6qX[(W Sq_TN9 EeBlN9܏y0 25. What should be done to make sure that medicines are on board each lifeboat? Check them regularly. 26. If you have no rockets, flags, signals or radio, how can you indicate to a ship in sight that you need assistance? Make a SOS signal with any materials. 27. If the anchor is reported dragging, what would be your first action? Inform the vessels in the vicinity and report to the captain. ******************************************** ,{ASNz 1. Can you list some items to be checked for load line requirements in PSC inspections? Yes, I can. For example, the valid of the load line certificate, whether the water is immersion. 2. Can you list some items to be checked for navigational equipment in PSC inspections? Yes, radar, GPS, echo-sound. 3. Can you list some items to be checked for life-saving appliances in PSC inspections? Yes, lifeboat, liferaft, lifejacket. 4. Can you list some items to be checked for fire-fighting arrangement in PSC inspections? Yes, the muster list, the fire party. 5. Can you list some items to be checked for radio equipment in PSC inspections? Yes, VHF, radio-station, GMDSS 6. Can you list some items to be checked for accommodation in PSC inspections? Yes, the condition of the crew, the water-tight door. 7. Can you list some items to be checked for MARPOL& chemical in PSC inspections? Yes, the absorb material, ventilation. 8. Can you list some items to be checked for hull, machinery & cargo gear in PSC inspections? Yes, the condition of hulls plates, the capacity of the machinery, and derricks. 9.What are the key items to be checked within your duties onboard? The proper operating bridge equipments,such as Radar, ARPA and so on. 10.What is the meaning of your ship`s name? The name of my ship is a mountain`s name. 110What is your call sign of your ship? My ship`s call sign is ABCD. 12.What is the ship2 nationality? My ship`s nationality is china. 13.What is your IMO number of your ship? The IMO munber of my ship is 12345. 14.Which classification society was your ship registered? The registered classification society of my ship was CCS. 15.What type of your vessel? My vessel is a container ship. 16.When was your ship built with? My ship was built in 2000. 17.When was your ship put into use? My ship put into use at 2001. 18.When was your ship registered in CCS? It was 1 Feb. 2000. 19.When was last survey carried out? It was 1 Feb. 2001. 20.Where should the Muster lists be exhibited on board? The Muster lists should be exhibited at the well-marked places such as hallway, exit and so on. 21.What does the proper care of the ship`s food services and supplies involve? cold storage 22.What are the duty of the galley crew and others in the stores department? Their duty are to keep the food fresh as soon as posible and serve the crew. 23.What are the requirements of the heating system of crew accommodation space? Air-conditioning system 24.What are the minimal standards for natural lighting in the living rooms of the crew? The minimal standards is the lighting does not disturb the safety navigation. 25.What are sufficient grounds to stop cargo operation? The sufficient are advance time or space. 26.What does the effectiveness of life-saving appliances depend on? The effectiveness of life-saving appliances depend on the number of crew on board. 27.What is the special attention of the ship with respect to the carriage of solid bulk cargoes? The operation should comply with the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes. 28.What relevant provisions should the responsible crewmenbers be familiar with? SOLAS, STCW78/95 and so on. 30.What should be taken into account in judging the suitability of oil for crude oil washing? The air pressure and the chroma of oxygen should be taken into account. 31.What is your ship`s name in your language? My ships name is DA YU SHAN. 32.What is your maximum permitted draft? My max draft is12m. 33.Who is your shipowner? My shipowner is COSCO. 34.What working language do you use? The working language we use is English. ****************************************** ,{ASNz 1. What does SSO stand for? It is stand for Ship security officer. 2. What does SSP stand for? It is stand for Ship Security Plan. 3. What does DOC stand for? It is stand for Document Certificate. 4. What does SSAS stand for? It is stand for Ship Security Alert System. 5. What does CSO stand for? It is stand for Company Security officer 6. What does ISSC stand for? It is stand for International Ship Security Certificate. 7. What does CSR stand for? It is stand for Continuous Synopsis Record. 8. Can you list some restricted areas onboard? Yes, the bridge, the engine room, the steering gear room. 9. Can you list some responsibilities of a ship security officer? Yes, undertaking regular security inspections, maintaining and supervising the implementation of the ship security plan, enhancing security awareness and vigilance on board. 10. Can you list some main ship security equipments? Yes, AIS, SSAS. 11. Can you describe the general arrangements or responses to security level 1 as a ship security officer? Yes, he should take minimum protective security measures at all time. 7^)<z_.6 0D #   gds, !!!\"""##\$$$%@% &&'(7((()9))))2*** +gds, +a+++4,,, -b---$.^...../>/_/////0v000#1s1gds,s111622220333>444 5X555556:66607:7r777$8@8gds,@8h888889S9o999:J::/;A;;;kHH*IIIJQJJK?KKLgds,12. Can you describe the general arrangements or responses to security level 2 as a ship security officer? Yes, he should take additional protective security measures according to the SSP. 13. Can you describe the general arrangements or responses to security level 3 as a ship security officer? Yes, he should take further specific protective security measures according to the SSP. 14. Can you list some information relating to security that AIS can receive or transmit? Yes, the ship is location, the ships speed, course. 15. How do you control the unauthorized boarding at gangway? Keeping on watch at gangway and inquire anybody who want come on board, and refuse any unauthorized man boarding. 16. What procedures or control do you use to ensure security onboard before departure? We should keep security level 1. 17. What are the typical problems identified in security drill? To control the access to the ship, to encounter pirates or armed attacks, to search for dangerous stuffs, stowaways and treatment.       HYPERLINK "//m.art2phone.com/"//m.art2phone.com  L#L%L&L(L)L+L,L.L/L1L2LpLqLsLtLuLvL$a$gd1dgd1dgds,/L0L1L2L3L4L5L6LXLYLnLoLpLqLrLsLuLvLʸ hs,o(h5\Kh5\K0J>*CJ$aJ$hjhU hUhU jhhs,UmHnHuhQh1djhUmHnHu6182P:pWc. 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